Menekan pada pencapaian peran
sebagai ibu, untuk mencapai peran ini seorang wanita memerlukan proses belajar
melalui serangkaian aktivitas atau latihan. Dengan demikian, seorang wanita
terutama calon ibu dapat mempelajari peran yang akan di alaminya kelak sehingga
ia mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi khususnya
perubahan psikologis dalam kehamilan dan setelah persalinan.
Menurut Reva Rubin, seorang wanita sejak hamil sudah memiliki
harapan-harapan antara lain:
- kesejahteraan ibu dan bayi
- penerimaan dari masyarakat
- penentuan identitas diri
- mengetahui tentang arti memberi dan menerima
Tahap_tahap psikologis yang biasa
dilalui oleh calon ibu dalam mencapai peran nya:
a. anticipatory stage
ibu mulai melakukan latihan peran dan memerlukan interaksi dengan anak yang
b. honeymoon stage
mulai memahami sepenuhnya peran dasar yang dijalaninya. Pada tahap ini ibu
memerlukan bantuan dari anggota keluarga yang lain.
c. Plateu stage
akan mencoba apakah ia mampu berperan sebagai seorang ibu. Pada tahap ini ibu
memerlukan waktu beberapa minggu sampai ibu kemudian melanjutkan sendiri.
d. Disengagement
tahap penyelesain latihan peran sudah berakhir.
Aspek-aspek yang diidentifikasi dalam peran ibu adalah
gambaran tentang idaman, gambaran diri dan tubuh. Gambaran diri seorang wanita
adalah pandangan wanita tentang dirinya sendiri sebagai bagian dari pengalaman
dirinya, sedangkan gambaran tubuh adalah berhubungan dengan perubahan fisik
yang tejadi selama kehamilan.
Aspek yang di identifikasi dalam
peran ibu:
gambaran tentang idaman bayi sehat.
gambaran tentang diri memandang tentang pengalaman yang dia lakukan.
gambaran tubuh, gambaran ketika hamil dan setelah nifas.
Proses pelaksanaan
peran seorang ibu :
a. Mimicry
b. Role
c. Fantasy
d. Introjection-projection-rejection
e. Grift
tahapan aktifitas penting sebelum seseorang menjadi seorang ibu.
- Taking on (tahapan meniru)
Seorang wanita dalam pencapaiaan sebagai ibu akan memulainya
dengan meniru dan melakukan peran seorang ibu.
Taking in
Seorang wanita sedang membayangkan peran yang dilakukannya .
introjektion, projection dan rejection merupakan tahap di mana wanita
membedakan model-model yang sesuai dengan keinginannya.
Letting go
Wanita mengingat kembali proses dan aktifitas yang sudah di
lakukannya. Pada tahap ini seorang akan meninggalkan perannya di masa lalu.
rubin mengklasifikasikan tahap adaptasi psikososial pada masa post partum:
a. periode
taking in (hari pertama hingga kedua setelah melahirkan)
1. ibu
masih pasif dan tergantung pada orang lain
perhatian ibu tertuju pada ke khawatiran pada perubahan tubuhnya
3. ibu
akan mengulangi pengalaman-pengalaman ketika melahirakan
4. memerlukan
ketenangan dalam tidur untuk mengembalikan keadaan tubuh kekondisi normal
5. nafsu
makan ibu biasanya bertambah sehingga membutuhkan peningkatan nutrisi.
Kurangnya nafsu makan menandakan proses pengembalian kondisi tubuh tidak
berlangsung normal.
b. periode
taking hold (hari kedua hingga ke empat setelah melahirkan)
1. ibu
memperhatikan kemampuan menjadi orang tua dan meningkatkan tanggung jawab akan
2. ibu
memfokuskan perhatian pada pengontrolan fungsi tubuh, buang air kecil, buang
air besar, dan daya tahan tubuh
3. ibu
cenderung terbuka menerima nasihat bidan dan kritikan pribadi
4. ibu
berusaha untuk menguasai keterampilan merawat bayi seperti menggendong,
menyusui, memandikan dan mengganti popok
kemungkinan ibu mengalami depresi postpartum karena merasa tidak mampu
membesarkan bayinya
c. periode letting go
1. terjadi setelah ibu pulang ke
rumah dan di pengaruhi oleh dukungan serta perhatian keluarga
2. ibu sudah mengambil tanggung
jawab dalam merawat bayi dan memahami kebutuhan bayi sehingga akan mengurangi
hak ibu dalam kebebasan dan hubungan social
Pressing on the achievement of a role
as a mother, to achieve this role requires a woman learning process through a
series of activities or exercises. Thus, a woman, especially expectant mothers
can learn to be in its natural role later that he was able to adapt to the
changes that occur in particular psychological changes in pregnancy and after
According to Reva Rubin, a pregnant woman since already have expectations include:
a. welfare of mothers and babies
b. acceptance from the community
c. determination of identity
d. know about the meaning of giving and receiving
Tahap_tahap usual psychological traversed by expectant mothers in achieving its role:
a. anticipatory stage
mother start doing exercises and role requires interaction with other children.
b. honeymoon stage
mother began to fully
understand the basic role she lived. At this stage the mother needs help from
other family members.
c. Plateau stage
Mom would try if he
could play a role as a mother. At this stage the mother may take several weeks
until the mother then went on his own.
d. Disengagement
the completion stage of the exercise is over the role.
Aspects identified in the mother's role is a description of the ideal, self-image and body. Picture of a woman is a woman's view of himself as part of the experience itself, while body image is associated with the physical changes that occurs during pregnancy.
Aspects in the identification of the role of mother:
a. ideal picture of a healthy baby.
b. a picture of yourself looking at the experience that he did.
c. body image, the image during pregnancy and after childbirth.
The process of implementation of the role of a mother:
a. Mimicry
b. Role play
c. Fantasy
d. Introjection-projection-rejection
e. Grift work
Some of the important phases of activity before a person becomes a mother.
1. Taking on (stage mimics)
woman in pencapaiaan as the mother will begin to imitate and perform the role
of a mother.
2. Taking in
woman was imagining the role he did. introjektion, projection and rejection is
the stage where she distinguishes the models as they wish.
3. Letting go
Women recalling
processes and activities that have been in done. At this stage one would leave
his role in the past.
Reva Rubin classify
the stage of psychosocial adaptation in the post partum period:
v Taking in the period
(the first day until the second after giving birth)
1. mother was passive and dependent on others
2. mother's attention focused on the apprehension on the changes in her body
3. mother would repeat those experiences when melahirakan
4. need sleep to restore peace in the state of the body's normal kekondisi
5. mother's appetite usually increases thus requiring an increase in nutrients. Lack of appetite, body condition indicates the restore process does not take place normally.
1. mother was passive and dependent on others
2. mother's attention focused on the apprehension on the changes in her body
3. mother would repeat those experiences when melahirakan
4. need sleep to restore peace in the state of the body's normal kekondisi
5. mother's appetite usually increases thus requiring an increase in nutrients. Lack of appetite, body condition indicates the restore process does not take place normally.
v Taking hold period (second to fourth day after
1. mother noticed the ability to be parents and increase the responsibility of her baby
2. mothers focus on controlling bodily functions, urination, defecation, and endurance
3. mothers tend to be open to receive personal advice of midwives and criticism
4. mother trying to master skills like holding a baby care, feeding, bathing and changing diapers
5. possibility of women experience postpartum depression because they feel unable to raise her baby
1. mother noticed the ability to be parents and increase the responsibility of her baby
2. mothers focus on controlling bodily functions, urination, defecation, and endurance
3. mothers tend to be open to receive personal advice of midwives and criticism
4. mother trying to master skills like holding a baby care, feeding, bathing and changing diapers
5. possibility of women experience postpartum depression because they feel unable to raise her baby
v The period of letting go
1. occurred after the mother returned home and is influenced by the support and attention to family
2. mother has to take responsibility in caring for infants and understand the needs of the baby so it will reduce maternal rights in freedom and social relationships
1. occurred after the mother returned home and is influenced by the support and attention to family
2. mother has to take responsibility in caring for infants and understand the needs of the baby so it will reduce maternal rights in freedom and social relationships
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